Who is Jesus?
According to the Bible, there is one God who is the Creator and Sustainer of everything. God loves His creation and His nature is mysteriously three-in-one: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) & God the Holy Spirt. There are not three gods, but these three together is who our one God is.
Jesus is the Son of God. He came from heaven to earth and lived a perfect life. Since God is perfect, but humans aren’t, we cannot have a relationship with God. That is why God sent Jesus to earth, so that our relationship with God could be restored.
At the end of His earthly life Jesus died on a cross, and rose from the dead three days later. The reason that He died on the cross was to take the sin and mistakes of every person away. When He died on that cross, our sins are washed away and God no longer sees our life with sin. The reason that He rose again, was so that we could have a relationship with Him! Jesus invites us all to start a new life in the fullest way.
God did all of this because He loves us. You can have a relationship with God if you have faith in the story of Jesus. Would you like to start a relationship with God today? Click the button below:
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Click here for a video explaining who Jesus is