We are 100% funded by families and individuals like you. All financial gifts are tax receiptable, and goes towards helping Mountainside Church reach as many people as possible. Thank you.
Recurring giving is the most effective way that you can financially help Mountainside Church.
Please email Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement Form to or return in person.
Here are the ways that God wants us to use our money:
1) Less Is More – God wants us to be content with what we have.
2) Avoid Debt – God wants us to avoid debt and get out of debt.
3) Giving Is Good – God wants us to be generous people because he is generous!
4) Tomorrow Matters – God wants us to plan ahead for the future so that we don’t need to worry about money.
How do we live these ideas out? By having a BUDGET that follows these 4 principles. Click here to plan your budget.
Here are a few reasons why we give back to God:
We give to God because of all that he has given to us! It is a way of acknowledging that all we have is from him.
As we give, God changes us to be more like him. It’s tough trying to be more like Jesus if we aren’t learning to be generous people.
Our giving helps serve our community. There are so many needs that we can help with and this is one way that we can give back to those around us.
As we give to God and the local Church, we show God that he can trust us with finances.
There are multiple areas where Mountainside spends money. Here are some examples:
Public church services
Kids & youth programs
Local outreach events
Staff salaries
Global missions work
Helping start new local churches in Ontario
Helping other Ontario local churches in need
Leadership development
There are 4 steps that we want to challenge you to do as we all grow in our giving:
Step 1) Giving a one-time gift. This is when we give for the first time.
Step 2) Becoming a regular giver. This is when we set up a recurring amount that we give every single month.
Step 3) Becoming a tither. This is when we set up recurring giving to give 10% of what we make back to God.
Step 4) Becoming a generous & sacrificial giver. This is when we set up recurring giving to give beyond our 10% tithe.
Which step are you currently on? Is God helping you move to a different step today?